“My mission is to design beautifully handmade limited edition pieces that add a touch of elegance to any personal style.
My designs are an extension of who I am. I fell in love with the creative process because of the unlimited possibilities."
The Journey To Starting My Business
In 2013 my twenty year plus tech career was ending and a new career was emerging - the world of art. Two entirely different worlds. To my surprise, creativity came much later in life and collaborated nicely with my independent work style. Designing was something I always wanted to do, but never thought I could. My appreciation for beautiful women’s accessories led me to start studying product design and development. In my forties I started exploring patterns and working with metals. I dove into learning as much as I could - reading, watching videos and working with my hands. As the years passed, I continued my learning process and creative journey. Slowly, I started to see the little planted seeds I made each
month growing.

In 2017 my handmade creations turned into launching my first jewelry and handbag collection, MONOLISA. Starting a solo owned business has been an incredible journey. Each jewelry and handbag design is only available exclusively online, by appointment or at a MONOLISA show. I personally hand craft each MONOLISA design in my Clayton, California Studio. MONOLISA pieces have been featured at fine art juried shows.

How did I discover Argentium Silver?
I have been working with traditional sterling for many years, but started exploring Argentium Silver in 2021. I immediately fell in love working with the beautiful silver, Argentium. I prefer working with Argentium Silver because of its beauty and benefits - no fire scale, shinier than other metals, tarnish resistant properties and the amazing fusing capabilities.
What Inspires Me?
I am always looking at new ways to improve. I look at creating pieces that require a new skill set and during that process I get inspiration.
You can see more of Lisa's beautiful work on her website and social links...